The Search Strategy Blog

a man holding a pink highlighter with multiple sheets of paper and an iphone doing research

4 Ways to do Keyword Research With Social Media

Thankfully, there is a significant overlap between the behavior of users on social media and marketing keywords that you can use to your advantage. Let’s look at four ways to use social media for keyword research and improve your marketing efforts and organic website traffic.

Creating a WordPress blog on a laptop with WordPress SEO tips for 2022

9 WordPress SEO tips for 2022

  Generally speaking, WordPress is kind of an all-in-one solution many websites are built on. It powers almost half of the websites on the internet,

wordpress logo floating in water

5 WordPress Marketing Plugins You Should Try

Whether you need to generate more leads or ward off comment spam, there likely exists a plugin for you. So, with that said, let us explore some of the best marketing plugins for WordPress.

6 ways to integrate video on your website

6 Ways to Integrate Video on Your Website

Video content seems to be everywhere these days, and for good reason. Visual content works for inbound marketing; it captivates audiences, incites engagement, and lets

how fast does your website load - a person looking at a google stat on a laptop

How Fast Does Your Website Load?

The speed in which your Web site loads serves two purposes ~ 1.) To improve user experience 2.) To improve the efficiency of Google’s servers