3. Ideally, Your Website Should Emulate Your Best Sales Rep

You Can’t be Everywhere – That’s What Your Website is For

The truth is, you aren’t always going to be there when your customers want to talk. There are many concerns that keep your customers up at night, and what-keeps-your-customers-up-at-night.pngwhen they’re searching online at 3 a.m. for solutions, your doors are closed and your sales team is asleep. However, there is a way to provide valuable information to them, 24/7, and this is in the form of educational material on your website. When someone searches on Google, does your company pop up in search results — or does your competitor’s business? And beyond this, once a customer has found what he’s looking for, is there a subsequent stage of information that you can provide?

Provide Information in a Way that Leads People Down the Sales Funnel

It’s so important to understand that people, however interested they may be in your business, want to be in control of how they research their options. Structuring the material on your website in such a way that it enables people to choose, while ushering them down the sales funnel, does the job of making your website work on your company’s behalf — day after day and month after month. Of course, this does not alleviate the need for live conversation with sales representatives, but your customers will tell you when they are ready for you to pick up the phone to call them.

The Inbound Funnel – One of Your Company’s Greatest Assets

The basic concept is using blogging, SEO and social media to get traffic to your site, then calls-to-action, landing pages and forms to turn those strangers them into leads.

All of these channels combine into the Inbound Funnel.TLebook4.png

Those leads then become customers using automated emails and lead intelligence. Then, to wrap it all up, the data is analyzed so that what works can be replicated, and what didn’t work can be improved upon.

Inbound Funnels are Effective

Studies have shown that companies are 3x as likely to see higher ROI on inbound marketing campaigns than on outbound.

84% of small businesses are predominantly using inbound marketing.

3 out of 4 marketers across the globe prioritize an inbound approach to marketing.

Big budget or small, everyone gets big returns from inbound:

Inbound vs. Outbound ROI by Marketing Spend


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Christine Penchuk Founder
Owner of Search Strategy Marketing