The Most Important Local Home Remodeling Marketing Strategies

If you are the owner of a local home remodeling company, the good news is that Google is on your side. There are so many things you can do that will put your business at the top of search engines in your local area.

If you disregard these strategies, you may waste an incredible opportunity for growth. Below, we will show you the Top 5 most important local home remodeling marketing strategies. Once you understand how you can take advantage of them, you can redevelop your strategy, and then, well, the sky is the limit.

black writing on a whiteboard that reads "marketing strategy" with a black arrow pointing up just below it

What are the Top 5 most important local home remodeling marketing strategies?

Here are some most common marketing strategies that will bring you tremendous results. Additionally, they can fit almost any budget.

1.) Social media marketing

The significance of social media in marketing is undeniable. And while it can bring universal success to companies that do business internationally, it can also do wonders for local businesses. One of the best ways to use social media as a part of your local marketing strategy is to improve your relationship with your customers. And you can do that in many ways. Firstly, you can use different platforms to present your products and services more closely. You can also share photos or videos of your customers enjoying your products. Moreover, you can utilize social medial to engage your audience and communicate with them directly. 

Facebook is an excellent channel that allows you to target precisely the audience you want.

scrabble pieces that read "facebook"

Furthermore, different social media channels allow you to create ads relevant to your local market. For example, Facebook is a fantastic platform that will enable you to target your specific audience ideally. As a result, you will be able to bring a lot of attention to your brand.

Social media has one massive benefit. It creates an atmosphere where customers and clients can share their reviews and feedback freely and spontaneously. It is likely the most organic way to collect reviews that your potential customers will consider before they decide to purchase your product or service.

Pro tip: It may be tempting to try and exploit as many different social media channels as possible. It’s an easy trap to fall into, and you will be in over your head before you know it. Managing several different accounts can be overwhelming. So, even if you have the necessary know-how, you will likely lack time to devote to each platform equally. As a result, you won’t use any of the channels to their full potential.

2.) Make your home remodeling website is mobile-friendly

You probably already know that Search Engine Optimization is an essential part of your digital marketing strategy. However, besides SEO, your website’s mobile readiness is another crucial ranking factor. So, if you make your website mobile-friendly, you will rank higher than websites that aren’t optimized for mobile devices. And it makes sense since most people search for products and services using their mobile phones. They also increasingly use them to make purchases. 

scrabble pieces that spell "seo"

SEO is a crucial component of your digital marketing strategy, along with website speed, mobile readiness, and great content.

In addition to mobile readiness, you want your website to open quickly. Potential customers will soon lose interest if your pages take ages to load. So, instead of generating more leads, your website will drive them away. Finally, you will want your website to be user-friendly, so your visitors can easily navigate through your pages and immediately find the information they need.

3.) Manage your home remodeling content strategy

Given that social media plays such a significant role in building your brand awareness and that your website optimization is crucial for good ranking, it is apparent that you must work on your online presence. One aspect of your online presence will be your content. You have to ensure that it is engaging, informative, and well-optimized. Sharing content on your website, in the form of a blog, and on social media channels regularly shows that you are active. Once someone Googles your brand name, the results that show up have to be up-to-date. If they aren’t, the person looking at your business will simply look elsewhere.

Content marketing is an excellent way to build authority in your field.

scrabble pieces that spell "blog"

In addition to being well-optimized and current, you also have to ensure your content and website are aesthetically appealing. Also, make sure that your social media channels are tended to. If the last post you create is three months old, it will make a bad impression. So, anyone who has stumbled upon your page may think that you are not on top of things to they will assume that your business is dead.

4.) Use local citations

Citations are listings of your NAP data, that is, your home remodeling company name, address, and phone number, in local directories, ads, and listings. For example, people use Google Maps or Google Business Profile to look for companies online, and citations will help them find you. Thus, it would be highly beneficial to have your NAP data listed on Google Maps, for instance. Once they search for products or services you offer in your area, your name will automatically appear.

Now, when it comes to citations, there’s a lot of misinformation. For instance, if your company name is listed differently in several directories, many believe that your SEO will suffer because Google will perceive it as different businesses. Either way, people think it is bad. However, we should give Google a bit more credit. It knows it’s all your company.

5.) Set a goal and a budget

This is actually the most critical part of all marketing strategies for local businesses. You need to have a goal, so you know in which direction to go. What is more, if you don’t know what your goal is, you will not be able to determine whether your efforts have been successful. Having a clear goal allows you to measure success. It ceases to be an abstract idea susceptible to subjective interpretation. Instead, success becomes a tangible item you can examine and evaluate. 

Once you have a goal in front of you, you will have an easier time devising a good strategy, and you will have an opportunity to measure your success.

Besides a goal, you also need to know your budget. According to The U.S. Small Business Administration, businesses should spend 7-8% of their revenue on their marketing campaigns. 

Finally, once you know what you want to achieve and what means you have to do it, you need to focus on the process of getting there. Use your KPIs to measure success and improve your strategy as you go.

3 women working in an office setting looking over charts with a laptop, keyboard and a monitor

Final thoughts

These have been only some of the important marketing strategies for local businesses. There are many other options, such as setting up an e-commerce platform, rewarding your regulars with special discounts or gifts, organizing seasonal discounts, or cooperating with a local influencer. Whichever strategy or rather a combination of approaches you opt for, remember that it will take some time before you can fully reap the effects of your efforts. Also, don’t expect perfection from the first attempt. As time goes by, you will recognize what works for your particular brand, products, and niche and what doesn’t. Then, you will be able to tweak your approach as you go and maximize the results.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have questions! We are always happy to have a conversation and have been known to give out a wealth of free information.

We LOVE seeing local businesses (and families!) succeed. Contact us – we’d love to meet you and have a cup of coffee or chat on the phone or Zoom. Our goal is to see your business soar — whether we work with you or not! 🙂


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Christine Penchuk Founder
Owner of Search Strategy Marketing