Content Marketing Strategy – 6 Ways to Make Your Blog Posts Stand Out

content marketing strategyYes, we are Internet Marketers, Inbound Marketers, Online Marketers, etc. But since our main goal is to get your business “found” on the Internet, a highly personalized content marketing strategy strategy is at the heart of everything that we do…and the key to getting noticed by your target market online.

Blog! (Not just anything, make it compelling!)

Everyday, hundreds of thousands of pieces of content are published on the Internet. And one of the things that we tell our clients to do is to join in! Content not only helps raise a website’s visibility in the search engines, it also establishes you (the business owner) as a thought leader…someone that can be trusted.

How to Make Your Blog Content Titles Stand Out

So, you ask: “With information on the Internet increasing at exponential rates, how do I make my blog posts stand out and get found?” If you’re going to spend the time creating posts, you’ll want to also take the time to put a great title on it so that people click on it in search engine results. And beyond a title, compelling business content needs to be contextual. It needs to address a particular “buyer persona” and speak to that persona’s “pain points” and challenges. That’s when it becomes compelling for your audience.

Here are 6 Ways to Make Your Blog Titles Sing

1.) Frame your blog post title as a question.

The Right Way: Why is the sky blue?

The Wrong Way: The sky is blue and here’s why.

People usually type question-based searches into the search bar, so it would make sense to format your blog post titles as questions. And in fact, this is a great way to come up with your blog titles in the first place – figure out what questions people have about your business, and then answer the questions in various blog posts.

2.) Tell them what’s in it for them (WIIFM)…and make it actionable. Why do they want to take the time out of their day to read this blog post?

Nobody wants to read a post unless it has something to do with what they need. So start the post off by letting them know how you can help them succeed. Create a title that includes what can help them get what they want. Talk about what’s interesting to them.

Some examples:

5 Things to Remember the Next Time You Play Chess

The 10 Best-Tasting Items to Buy at Trader Joe’s

How to Improve Your Golf Game by Five Strokes

3.) Use original language.

With the influx of content, we’ve all heard the overused catch phrases that have been used time and time again. As I scrolled through my Facebook page the other day, I saw five different people use the phrases “I love you to the moon and back.” And “I love you to pieces.” It’s more powerful when you use phrases that not a lot of people are using.

4.) Make it brief.

Drawn-out titles can lose a potential reader’s interest pretty quickly. Tell your readers why they’d want to click on this blog post right away.

5.) Write with confidence and be definitive!

You are the authority on your topic area. You have a wealth of information to teach your audience in your topic area. Be forthcoming and strong in what you tell your audience – share the juicy stuff that will answer the questions that they have.

6.) Create intrigue. What would you be curious to click on?

A picture says a thousand words. Find material that would appeal to your audience. If you’re helping photographers market online, you might want to point them to others that have been leaders in their space.

Here’s an example:

“Links to The Top 5 Most Interesting Instagram Personalities of All Time”

Last, But Not Least!

To sum it all up, stick to the basic rule of using language that speaks to your unique audience. Address them as they would want to be addressed and give them information that will be useful and actionable in their industry. You’ll find that your content is read, shared and given the attention that it deserves.

One of our specialties is to write compelling content that gets found and shared. If you’re interested in learning about ways that we can help your business grow through content marketing, contact us. 

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Matt Penchuk